Shapes, Symbols, Words, Textures

The original version of the following list of visual stimulus sets was compiled by Johanna Margret Sigurdardottir and will be updated as needed. We neither host nor do we provide copies of the stimuli. Reseachers who may wish to use a particular stimulus set should seek further information, including on possible licences, e.g. by following the provided web links, reading the referenced papers, and/or emailing the listed contact person/persons for a particular stimulus set. If you notice an error, know of a stimulus set that should be included, or have any other questions or comments, please contact Heida Maria Sigurdardottir (heidasi(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign) The list is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. 

Letters, numbers, shape, symbols and false fonts

Description: this set contains letters, numbers, shapes, symbols and false fonts. The set also includes information such as edge-based visual complexity and normative ratings. Participants rated “frequency (very rare to very common), complexity (very simple to very complex), and overall similarity to (other) letters (very different to very similar). Nonletter stimuli were rated in terms of overall how similar they looked to letters, and letter stimuli were rated in terms of how similar they looked to other letters.” (ref. Chanceaux, Mathôt & Grainger, 2014).

License: Creative Commons Attribution


Reference: Chanceaux, M., Mathôt, S., & Grainger, J. (2014). Effects of number, complexity, and familiarity of flankers on crowded letter identification. Journal of Vision, 14(6), 7. doi:10.1167/14.6.7

Volumetric Surface Texture Database:

Description: Contains photos of natural textures taken in diverse lighting conditions. 

License: not known


Reference: not known