Heida Maria Sigurdardóttir – Curriculum Vitae

Table of Contents


ProfessorDepartment of Psychology, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland.

Principal Investigator, Icelandic Vision Lab.

©Kristinn Ingvarsson


Ph.D. in Neuroscience, Emphasis: Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience, Brown University (defended 2013, degree awarded 2024). Primary advisor: Prof. David L. Sheinberg. Secondary advisor: Prof. Michael Tarr. Thesis title: Objects in Space.

B.A. in Psychology, University of Iceland (2005). Thesis title: Áhrif sjónrænnar eftirtektar : eru þau misjöfn eftir því hvert hún beinist? [Visuoattentional Effects: Do They Vary by Spatial Location?] Advisor: Prof. Árni Kristjánsson.



2023: Icelandic Research Fund’s Motivation Award awarded to a young scientist, who in early career is believed to have excelled, and creates expectations about scientific contribution, which has the potential to strengthen the foundations of Icelandic society. Total amount: 3 million ISK.

2023-current: Fellow of the Teaching Academy (Kennsluakademía opinberu háskólanna). The Teaching Academy is a forum based on a Nordic model that aims to promote pedagogical development and improved teaching methods. The main goal of the Teaching Academy is to strengthen dialogue about teaching and pedagogical development within and between universities, as well as to reward academic staff who excel in teaching.

2015: Young Promising Scientist Award, Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture.

2007-2010: International Fulbright Science and Technology Award. The International Fulbright Science and Technology Award, a component of the Fulbright Foreign Student Program, supports doctoral study at leading U.S. institutions in science, technology, engineering or related fields for outstanding foreign students. The Fulbright S&T Award is designed to be the most prestigious international scholarship in science and technology and to demonstrate the United States’ commitment to welcoming top-notch future researchers and leaders to pursue serious scientific study and research at U.S. institutions. Total amount: 202,500 dollars (approx.).

2005: Kaupþing, Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Studies.


2024-2026: Doctoral Student Grant awarded to Irina Ovchinnikova, Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) on behalf of the Icelandic Research Fund (as Advisor). Relation between reading abilities and individual differences in visual processing. Grant number: 2410194. Total amount: 26.625 million ISK.

2022-2024: Project Grant, Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) on behalf of the Icelandic Research Fund (as Principal Investigator). Mapping and tracking visual object representations: Individual abilities and disabilities. Grant number: 228916. Total amount: 64 million ISK.

2021-2023: Postdoctoral Grant awarded to Inga María Ólafsdóttir, Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) on behalf of the Icelandic Research Fund (as Advisor). Mapping and tracking visual object representations through development. Grant number: 218092. Total amount: 24 million ISK.

2019-2021: Project Grant, Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) on behalf of the Icelandic Research Fund (as Principal Investigator). Neural measures of high-level visual processing in dyslexic and typical readers. Grant number: 195912. Total amount: 31.406 million ISK.

2020: Icelandic Student Innovation Fund Award (as Advisor). Þróun tilraunaverkefna til rannsókna á sjónkerfinu [Development of experimental tasks for research on the visual system]: 2.7 million ISK.

2018: Infrastucture Grant, Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) on behalf of the Infrastructure Fund (as Co-Proposer). BrainAmp EEG 32-channel system. Total amount 2.666 million ISK.

2017-2019: Project Grant, Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís) on behalf of the Icelandic Research Fund (as Principal Investigator). Dyslexia and high-level vision. Grant number: 174013. Total amount: 23.106 million ISK.

2016: Icelandic Student Innovation Fund Award (as Advisor). Hlutlægur mælikvarði á upplýsingar í myndbrotum og áhrif þeirra á hlutakennsl hjá fólki með lesblindu [An objective measure of information in image fragments and its effect on object recognition for people with dyslexia]: 1.4 million ISK.

2014-2017: Postdoctoral Grant, Recruitment Fund of the University of Iceland. Advisor: Árni Kristjánsson.

2007: YOSCIWEB (Young people and their images of science on websites). As part of my work at the Icelandic Web of Science, I partook in preparing a grant application for YOSCIWEB, a multi-national collaborative research project on the social representation of science and scientists. The project was funded 500,000 euros, or about 75.8 million ISK, through the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (Thematic Priority: Science in Society; project number: 217728).

2004: Icelandic Student Innovation Fund Award (as Undergraduate Researcher). Ýfingaráhrif á sjónskynjun [Visual priming]. Grant number: 100000079. Total amount: 0.22 million ISK. Advisor: Árni Kristjánsson.

Misc. internal grants, 0.5-3.3 million ISK.


Pitchford, B., Devillez, H., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024, October 15). Distinct neural processing underlying visual face and object perception in dyslexia. [preprint]

Ólafsdóttir, I. M., Pitchford, B., Maeekalle, M., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024, August 27). Why is a raven like a writing desk? The interplay of visual and semantic characteristics of animacy in object perception. [preprint]

Thorudottir, S., Ásgeirsson, Á. G., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024, June 9). Visual imagery vividness appears to be independent of perceptual and memory precision. [preprint] [Icelandic VVIQ-Ic]

Strzelczy, D., Clayson, P. E., Sigurdardottir, H. M., Mushtaq, F., Pavlov, Y. G., Devillez, H., Lukashevich, A., Rocha, H. A., Chung, Y. H., Ortego, K. M., Stoermer, V. S., García Alanis, J. C., Löffler, C., Schubert, A. L., Biel, A. L., Tretow, A., Xu, W., Hämäläinen, J., Lu, Z., Choi, Y. M., Lout, E., Golomb, J. D., Jiang, S., Jones, M., Mizrak, E., von Bastian, C. C., Busch,N. A., Machizawa, M. G., Ngiam, W. X. Q., Vogel, E. K., Langer, N. Contralateral delay activity as a marker of visual working memory capacity: a multi-site registered replication. Registered report in-principle accepted at Cortex. [protocol preprint]



Kuperman, V., Schroeder, S., Acartürk, C., Agrawal, N., Bolliger, L. S., Brasser, J., Campos-Rojas, C., … Sigurdardottir, H. M. … & Siegelman, N. (in press). New data on text reading in English as a second language: The Wave 2 expansion of the Multilingual Eye Movements Corpus (MECO). Studies in Second Language Acquisition. [preprint]

Lukashevich, A., Sigurdardottir, H. M., Kudryavstsev, N., & Utochkin, I. (2025). The role of attention in basic ensemble statistics processing. Neuropsychologia, 208, 109086. [article][preprint]

Sigurdardottir, H. M. & Ólafsdóttir, I. M. (2025). Objects, faces, and spaces: Organizational principles of visual object perception as evidenced by individual differences in behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 154(3), 607–623. [article][preprint][selected as Editor’s Choice Article]

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjánsson, Á., Gerlach, C., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). The impact of visual working memory constraints on object recognition. Visual Cognition, 1–14. [article] [preprint]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Omarsdottir, H. R., & Valgeirsdottir, A. S. (2024). Reading problems and their connection with visual search and attention. Dyslexia, 30(2), e1764. [article] [preprint]

Kristjánsson, Á. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). The role of visual factors in dyslexia. Journal of Cognition, 6(1), 31. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/joc.287 [article] [article audio version]

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjánsson, Á., Starrfelt, R., Gerlach, C., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Using representational similarity analysis to reveal category and process specificity in visual object recognition. Cortex, 166, 172-187. [article] [preprint] (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Neurodevelopmental Neurodiversity, Guest Editors: Punit Shah and Christopher Jarrold.)

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Arnardottir, A. & Halldorsdottir, E. T. (2021). Faces and words are both associated and dissociated as evidenced by visual problems in dyslexia. Scientific Reports, 11, 23000. [article] [preprint audio version]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Ólafsdóttir, I. M., & Devillez, H. (2021). Words as visual objects: Neural and behavioral evidence for high-level visual impairments in dyslexia. Brain Sciences, 11(11):1427. (This article is an invited review and belongs to the Special Issue: Neurobiological Basis of Developmental Dyslexia, Academic Editor: John F. Stein) [article] [preprint audio version]

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjánsson, Á., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). Featural and configural processing of faces and houses in matched dyslexic and typical readers. Neuropsychologia, 162, 108059. [article] [supplementary]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Jonsdottir, I., Ulfarsson, L., & Birgisdottir, F. (2021). Reading fluency and ADHD symptoms: Initial testing of IS-FORM, IS-PSEUDO, and SWAN in a sample of Icelandic children. In Á. Kristjánsson, H. M. Sigurdardottir, & K. Árnason (Eds.). Sálubót: Afmælisrit til heiðurs Jörgen L. Pind. Háskólaútgáfan. [fulltext]

Kristjánsson, Á. Sigurdardottir, H. M., & Árnason, K. (Eds.). (2021). Sálubót: Afmælisrit til heiðurs Jörgen L. Pind. Háskólaútgáfan.

Thorudottir, S.*, Sigurdardottir, H. M.*, Rice, G. E., Kerry, S. J., Robotham, R. J., Leff, A. P., Starrfelt, R. (2020). The architect who lost the ability to imagine: The cerebral basis of visual imagery. Brain Sciences, 10(2):59. (This article belongs to the Special Issue: Vividness, Consciousness, and Mental Imagery: Making the Missing Links across Disciplines and Methods, Academic Editor: Amedeo D’Angiulli) *These authors contributed equally. [journal open access fulltext] [selected as Editor’s Choice Article]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Hjartarson, K. H., Gudmundsson, G. L., & Kristjánsson, Á (2019). Own-race and other-race face recognition problems without visual expertise problems in dyslexic readers. Vision Research, 158, 146-156. [publisher fulltext] [author fulltext]

Sigurdardottir H. M., & Jozranjbar B. (2019). Laterality effect (face perception). In J. Vonk & T. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. New York: Springer. [publisher fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Fridriksdottir, L.E.*, Gudjonsdottir, S.*, & Kristjánsson, Á. (2018). Specific problems in visual cognition of dyslexic readers: Face discrimination deficits predict dyslexia over and above discrimination of scrambled faces and novel objects. Cognition, 175, 157-168. *These authors contributed equally. [journal fulltext]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., & Gardarsdottir, O. (2018). Backlash in gender equality? Fathers’ parental leave during a time of economic crisis. Journal of European Social Policy, 28(4) 342–356.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2017). Lateral intraparietal region (LIP). In J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. New York: Springer. [publisher fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Danielsdottir, H. B.*, Gudmundsdottir, M.*, Hjartarson, K. H.*, Thorarinsdottir, E. A.*, & Kristjánsson, Á. (2017). Problems with visual statistical learning in developmental dyslexia. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 606. *These authors contributed equally. [journal webpage] [journal fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]

[2015: Parental leave]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., & Gauthier, I. (2015). Expertise and object recognition. In A. W. Toga (Ed.), Brain Mapping (pp. 523-527). Oxford, UK: Elsevier. [publisher fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Ivarsson, E., Kristinsdottir, K., & Kristjansson, A. (2015). Impaired recognition of faces and objects in dyslexia: Evidence for ventral stream dysfunction? Neuropsychology, 29(5) 739-750. [journal webpage] [journal fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]

Sigurdardottir, H. M. & Sheinberg, D. L. (2015). The effects of short-term and long-term learning on the responses of lateral intraparietal neurons to visually presented objects. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(7) 1360-1375. [journal webpage] [journal fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]

Brooks, D. I.*, Sigurdardottir, H. M.*, & Sheinberg, D. L. (2014). The neurophysiology of attention and object recognition in visual scenes. In K. Kveraga & M. Bar (Eds.), Scene Vision: Making Sense of What We See. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. *These authors contributed equally. [book webpage] [ResearchGate fulltext]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Michalak, S. M., & Sheinberg, D. L. (2014). Shape beyond recognition: Form-derived directionality and its effects on visual attention and motion perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(1), 434-454. [journal webpage] [APA PeePs (Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology)] [journal fulltext] [supplemental material] [ResearchGate fulltext]

[2009-2010: Parental leave]

Kristjansson, A. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2008). On the benefits of transient attention across the visual field. Perception, 37(5) 747-764. [journal webpage] [journal fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Kristjansson, A. & Driver, J. (2008). Repetition streaks increase perceptual sensitivity in visual search of brief displays. Visual Cognition, 16(5) 643-658. [journal webpage] [journal fulltext] [ResearchGate fulltext]


Object perception during visuo-semantic clash: What happens when an object looks like something it is not?

Mapping and tracking reading and visual object perception abilities across development

Mapping and tracking object representations: Exploring the contribution of visual and semantic information

Predicting reading abilities based on visual object processing

Attention and ensemble perception on different feature levels

The effects of visuo-semantic clashes on object categorization

Object space and object foraging

Faces and face-like objects: Individual differences

Validation of the Icelandic version of the 20-item prosopagnosia index (PI20)

Visual working memory and visual object recognition

Separability of visual object recognition mechanisms

Dissociating the influence of visual and semantic properties on object foraging

Neural measures of high-level visual processing in dyslexic and typical readers

Teaching & Supervision

2016-present: Lecturer, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Course: Methodology.

2014-2015, 2017-present: Lecturer, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Course: Perception and Cognition A.

2017: Lecturer, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Course: Work Methods in Psychological Studies.

2014-2015: Lecturer, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Course: Perception and Cognition B.

2014: Lecturer, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. Course: Introduction to Psychology.

2005: Lecturer, Hamrahlid College, Reykjavik, Iceland. Course: Introduction to Psychology.

Misc. other teaching (children, teenagers, adults).

Supervision of undergraduate students, master’s students, doctoral students, and postdoctoral researchers.

Undergraduate Student Supervision (honors theses):
Suzanne Michalak, Luc Amdahl, Kristjana Kristinsdóttir, Eysteinn Ívarsson, Hilda Daníelsdóttir, Elín Ástrós Þórarinsdóttir, Margrét Guðmundsdóttir, Kristján Helgi Hjartarson, Sigrún Erla Sveinsdóttir, Liv Elísabet Friðriksdóttir, Sigríður Guðjónsdóttir, Alexandra Arnardóttir, Eydís Þuríður Halldórsdóttir, Anna Sigríður Valgeirsdóttir, Hilma Rós Ómarsdóttir, Bryndís Þorsteinsdóttir, María Björk Gunnarsdóttir, Málfríður Guðný Kolbeinsdóttir, Brynjólfur Gauti Jónsson, Unnur Andrea Ásgeirsdóttir, Sunneva Líf Albertsdóttir, Guðrún Þorláksdóttir, Hildur Franziska Hávarðardóttir, Ísak Örn Ívarsson, Ísabella Lena Borgarsdóttir, Katrín Fjóla Aspelund, Marelle Maeekalle, Yana Andriyash, Dýrleif Friðriksdóttir, Elísabet Sesselja Harðardóttir, Katrín Guðnadóttir, Rakel Gyða Gunnarsdóttir, Viktoría Sif Haraldsdóttir, Melkorka Ólafsdóttir, Hulda Björk Gunnarsdóttir (current), Hrafnhildur Ólafsdóttir (current), Dagur Árnason (current), Sylvía Rut Sævarsdóttir (current), Lísbet Katla Júlíusdóttir (current).

Master’s Student Supervision:
Guðbjörn Lárus Guðmundsson, Kristján Helgi Hjartarson, Logi Úlfarsson, Ingibjörg Erla Jónsdóttir, Sandra Þórudóttir, Sólrún Erlingsdóttir, Marelle Maeekalle, Dýrleif Friðriksdóttir (current).

Doctoral Student Supervision:
Bahareh Jozranjbar, Anton Lukashevich (current), Irina Ovchinnikova (current).

Postdoctoral Researcher Supervision:
Inga María Ólafsdóttir, Hélène Devillez, Brent Pitchford (current).

Other relevant experience

2024: Consulting Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

2023-current: Principal Investigator, Different Minds Collaborative (DMC).

2019-current: Ph.d. appraiser and external examiner for: Solja Klargaard (University of Southern Denmark), Joel Robitaille (Brock University), Shouyu Ling (University of Toronto).

2023-current: Board member, The Icelandic Health Science Institute.

2022-2023: Head of the School of Health Sciences panel and board member of the Research Fund & Doctoral grants of the University of Iceland.

2014-2015: Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Psychology, University of Iceland.

2013: Research Methodologist, Educational Research Institute, University of Iceland.

2013: Research Associate in Neuroscience, Brown University.

2005-2007: Junior editor, Icelandic Web of Science, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.

2004: Project manager, Social Science Research Institute.


Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). Smáverkefni sem liður í skilvirkum námsaðferðum í fjölmennum áföngum. Ráðstefna Kennsluakademíu opinberu háskólanna.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). Þáttur sjónskynjunar í lestrarörðugleikum barna. Biomedical and Health Sciences Conference at the University of Iceland.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). The role of visual factors in reading problems. Nordiska Dyslexikongressen (Nordic Dyslexia Conference), Stockholm, Sweden.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). Why is a raven like a writing desk? The role of semantics, high-level visual information, and low-level visual information in object discrimination. Perceptual Expertise Network Symposium.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). Hello Different Minds Collaborative! Different Minds Collaborative (DMC).

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). Mapping and tracking visual object representations: Individual abilities and disabilities. Synaesthesia, Perception, and Individual Differences, Denmark.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Building a Doctoral Research Community. Icelandic Joint Training Programme for Ph.D. Supervisors.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). The Photoshop of the Brain. Professorial Inaugural Lecture.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Objects, faces, and spaces. North-West Visual Cognition Group Workshop.

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjánsson, Á., Gerlach, C., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). The impact of visual working memory constraints on object recognition. Working Memory Symposium.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. & Devillez, H. (2023). Disrupted neural mechanisms of high-level vision and their role in reading problems. European Conference on Visual Perception.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. & Ólafsdóttir, I. M. (2023). Objects, faces, and spaces. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Ólafsdóttir, I. M. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Visuo-semantic clashes: What happens when objects do not look like they should? Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Þverfagleg rannsóknamiðstöð í sjónskynjun: Vöxtur og virkni. Vorþing HVS. 

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Vertu fífl! Kennsluþróunardagur HVS. 

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Dimensions of object perception. Universiteit Utrecht. 

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Faces and face-like objects. IVL Meeting, Laugarvatn.

Devillez, H., Elefsen, B. K., Palsdottir, L. M., Sigurdardottir, I., Hebart, M. N. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). What kinds of THINGS are SSVEPs (not) measuring? European Conference on Visual Perception.

Ólafsdóttir, I. M., Aspelund, K. F., Borgarsdóttir, Í. L., Maeekalle, M. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). When visuals and meaning collide: The effects of visuo-semantic clashes on object discrimination. European Conference on Visual Perception.

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjánsson, Á., Gerlach, C., Starrfelt, R. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Dependence or independence of visual object recognition mechanisms. European Conference on Visual Perception.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Kynlegar hallatölur. Stelpur diffra.

Ólafsdóttir, I. M. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Visual and semantic factors in object recognition. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Devillez, H. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Visual processing of faces and objects in dyslexic and typical readers. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Ólafsdóttir, I.M., Albertsdóttir, S.L., Ásgeirsdóttir, U.A., Kietzmann, T.C., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). Mapping the dimensions of object perception. OPAM.

Devillez, H. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). Neural measures of high-level visual processing in dyslexic and typical readers. CuttingEEG.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). The high-level visual dysfunction hypothesis of developmental dyslexia. Nordiska Dyslexikongressen (Nordic Dyslexia Conference), Stockholm, Sweden.

Thorudottir, S. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). Does mental imagery vividness predict memory performance?. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjansson, A., Starrfelt, R., Gerlach, C., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). The inseparability of visual processes in developmental dyslexia and the inseparability of visual categories in developmental prosopagnosia. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). The mind’s eye, open and closed. Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute (SKERI).

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjansson, A., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). The inseparability of featural and configural visual processing in dyslexia. Configural Processing Consortium.

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjansson, A., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). The inseparability of featural and configural visual processing in dyslexia. NeuroMatch.

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjansson, A., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). Featural and configural processing of faces and houses in matched dyslexic and typical readers. Menntakvika.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). Individual differences in visual imagery. Consciousness Club Seminar Series, University College London.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2019). The high-level visual dysfunction hypothesis and how it came about. Center for Functional Integrative Neuroscience, Århus University, Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Aalborg University, Center for Visual Cognition, University of Copenhagen.

Jozranjbar, B., Kristjansson, A., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2019). Featural and configural processing of faces and houses in matched dyslexic and typical readers. European Conference on Visual Perception.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Arnardottir, A., Halldorsdottir, E. Th., Omarsdottir, H. R., & Valgeirsdottir, A. S. (2019). Visually driven reading deficits: The role of object perception and visual attention. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2019). Mental representations of objects. CEEGE (Chess Expertise by Eye Gaze and Emotions) workshop.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Arnardottir, A., Halldorsdottir, E. Th., Omarsdottir, H. R., & Valgeirsdottir, A. S. (2018). Opposite laterality effects in feature-based and global form face matching. Conference on Research in Biomedical and Health Sciences.

Arnardottir, A., Halldorsdottir, E. Th., Omarsdottir, H. R., & Valgeirsdottir, A. S. & Sigurdardottir, H. M.(2018). Are reading problems related to both the dorsal and ventral visual pathways?. Conference on Research in Biomedical and Health Sciences.

Jonsson, B. G., Kolbeinsdottir, M. G. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2018). The restorative effects of nature on attentional fatigue differ between high and low spatial frequencies. Conference on Research in Biomedical and Health Sciences.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. The role of visual attention and feature-based processing in reading problems. IVL Meeting, University of Akureyri

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Arnardottir, A., Gudmundsson, G. L., Halldorsdottir, E. Th., Hjartarson, K. H., Omarsdottir, H. R., Valgeirsdottir, A. S., & Kristjansson, A. (2018). Reading problems as visual problems: The possible roles of visual expertise and feature-based processing. European Conference on Visual Perception.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2018). Kynlegar hallatolur: Konur i visindum. Edlisfraedi a Islandi.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Arnardottir, A., Halldorsdottir, E. Th., Omarsdottir, H. R., & Valgeirsdottir, A. S. (2017). Reading problems: The possible role of attention and object recognition abilities. Thjodarspegillinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Fridriksdottir, L. E., Gudjonsdottir, S., & Kristjansson, A. (2017). Developmental dyslexia and potential deficits of experience-driven visual processing. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2017). Kynning á nýlegri rannsókn á mögulegum þætti sjónskynjunar í lestrarörðugleikum [Trans. Presentation of new results on the possible role of visual factors in reading problems]. Textinn, kvíðavaldur lesblindra barna: Conference hosted by the Icelandic Dyslexia Association.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2017). Brains for dummies. Neuroscience in Business Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2017). Education and research. Fulbright Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2017). The VisDys project: Vision and dyslexia. Conference on Research in Biomedical and Health Sciences.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2016). Jæja SKVÍS. Samtök kvenna í vísindum/Icelandic Association of Women in the Sciences.

Gudjonsdottir, S., Fridriksdottir, L. E., & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2016). Sertaeki skynordugleika lesblindra einstaklinga [Trans. Specificity of perceptual problems of dyslexic readers]. Menntakvika.

Kristjansson, A., Danielsdottir, H. B., Gudmundsdottir, M., Hjartarson, K. H., Thorarinsdottir, E. A., and Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2016). Dyslexics show deficiencies in visual statistical learning: Evidence for a high-level visual processing deficit in dyslexia. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Ivarsson, E., Kristinsdottir, K., & Kristjansson, A. (2016). Is dyslexia due to deficits in high-level visual processing? Face and object recognition problems in dyslexia. Vision Sciences Society Meeting.

Kristjansson, A., Danielsdottir, H. B., Gudmundsdottir, M., Hjartarson, K. H., Thorarinsdottir, E. A., and Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2016). Truflun a sjonraenu likindanami i lesblindu? [Trans. An impairment of visual statistical learning in dyslexia?] Icelandic Psychological Association Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Ivarsson, E., Kristinsdottir, K., & Kristjansson, A. (2016). Lesblinda: Roskun a sjonraenum hlutakennslum? [Trans. Dyslexia: An impairment of visual object recognition?] Icelandic Psychological Association Meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. and Gardarsdottir, O. (2015). Fathers’ parental leave. Nordic Family Policy and Demographic Consequences meeting.

Gardarsdottir, O. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2015). Throun faedingarorlofstoku kvenna og samspil faedingarorlofstoku fedra og maedra 2003-2011. Thjodarspegillinn. View Abstract

[2015: Parental leave]

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Ivarsson, E., Kristinsdottir, K., & Kristjansson, A. (2015) Disruption of visual object and facial recognition in dyslexia: A ventral visual stream dysfunction? Conference on Research in Biomedical and Health Sciences. View Abstract

Gardarsdottir, O. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Implications of changes in the law on paternal and maternal leave in Iceland during the period 2001-2011. Thjodarspegillinn. View Abstract

Gardarsdottir, O. & Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). A way of promoting gender equality? Sharing of parental leave between fathers and mothers. European Population Conference. View EPS 2014 Poster

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Invited talk: The man machine. Nordic Network on Philosophy of Medicine and Medical Ethics meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2013). Invited talk: Er athyglin i lagi? Lag hluta, sjonraen athygli og samspilid thar a milli [Trans. Paying attention to shape: The interaction between the form of objects and visual attention]. Icelandic Society for Neuroscience meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2012). The invariant eye. Perceptual Expertise Network meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Michalak, S. M., & Sheinberg, D. L. (2012). Shape beyond recognition: How object form biases spatial attention and motion perception. Vision Sciences Society meeting. View VSS 2012 Poster

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2011). Taking directions from shape. Perceptual Expertise Network meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. & Sheinberg, D. L. (2010). The functional role of LIP shape selectivity. Society for Neuroscience meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M., Tarr, M., & Sheinberg, D. L. (2010). Origins of shape selectivity in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP). Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. & Sheinberg, D. L. (2010). Origins of shape selectivity in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP). Vision Sciences Society meeting.

[2009-2010: Parental leave]

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2008). Representing the visual world: Perception and action in monkeys and humans. Fulbright Science and Technology meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2008). Representations and their role in actions. Perceptual Expertise Network meeting.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2007-present). Several presentations at University of Iceland, Brown University and Brown-NIH seminars. View Gender and Science (2013) Presentation

Science Communication: Presentations (incomplete list)

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2024). Af hverju erum við mismannglögg? Landinn. RÚV.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Fótósjopp heilans: Hvað er það? Bítið. Bylgjan.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2023). Pólitískir skandalar, ávaxtaneysla á niðurleið og sjónskynjun. Morgunvaktin. RÚV.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Andlitsblinda, Lil Binni er Þjóðþekktur einstaklingur í valdastöðu. Lestin. RÚV.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Tvö prósent þjást af andlitsblindu. Morgunútvarpið. RÚV.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Vísindin og við, episode 1: Dr. Heiða María Sigurðardóttir, dósent í taugavísindum við HÍ. Hringbraut.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). Dyslexia (documentary on dyslexia). Script, directing, production: Birgir Torfi Bjarnason. Kvikmyndaskóli Íslands.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). Lesblinda (documentary on dyslexia). RUV. Alfheidur Marta Kjartansdottir. Producer: SagaFilm; Tinna Johannsdottir.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2021). Lesblinda (second episode). Af hverju vissi eg thad ekki?

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). Skrif- og lesblinda Bubba og fleiri, grannaheimsókn og pistill um umhv. Samfélagið, Rás 1.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). Fullkomlega eðlilegt að fólk rugli saman nöfnum barna sinna. Reykjavík síðdegis, Bylgjan.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). HÍ rannsakar hegðun mannshugans (frá 17. mínútu). 21, Hringbraut.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). Myndræn ímyndun. Samfélagið, Rás 1.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2020). Myndir & minningar (frá 12. mínútu). Glans, Rás 1.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2019). Rannsóknir á lesblindu og sjónsvæðum heilans. Samfélagið, Rás 1.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2019). Rannsaka sjónsvæði heilans og lesblindu. Bítið, Bylgjan.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2019). Vísindi og tækni: Heilinn 1. Útvarp KrakkaRÚV, Rás 1.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2019). Vísindi og tækni: Heilinn 2. Útvarp KrakkaRÚV, Rás 1.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2017). Dr. Heiða María Sigurðardóttir, International Fulbright Science and Technology award 2007. Fulbright Iceland.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Viljum við ofurheila? [Trans. Do we want an enhanced brain?] Invited public talk as part of the NERRI (Neuro-Enhancement: Responsible Research and Innovation) Project.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Er það ekki örugglega rétt að við notum aðeins 10% heilans? – Myndband. Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Af hverju eru sum hljod othaegileg? – Myndband. Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2013). Hvad getid thid sagt mer um andaglas? – Myndband. Visindavefurinn.

Science Communication: Written Works (incomplete list)

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Þekkirðu þann sem er að heilsa þér? Mbl.is.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). How well can you recognise faces and objects? – New research from UI scientists. University of Iceland.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2022). Hversu vel þekkir þú andlit og hluti? – Ný rannsókn vísindamanna HÍ. University of Iceland.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2017). Hvernig forum vid ad thvi ad thekkja andlit? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2015). Eru lesblindir med minni ordaforda heldur en adrir? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2015). Hvert er islenska ordid yfir cingulate gyrus og eru til islensk heiti yfir oll thessi svaedi i heilanum? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Samruni manns og velar. Kjarninn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Hvernig a ad finna tyndu bornin? Kjarninn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Eru allir hlutar heilans lifsnaudsynlegir? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2014). Hvers vegna getum vid ekki stjornad ollu taugakerfinu med viljanum? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2012). Hvernig get eg laert taugavisindi og ordid taugavisindamadur a Islandi? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2011). Hver er Antonio Damasio og hvernig hefur hann rannsakad ahrif tilfinninga a hegdun? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2011). Hver er Howard Gardner og hvert er framlag hans til salfraedhi og menntamala? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2007). Er satt adh madhur geti ordhidh gedhveikur af thvi adh spila a glerhoerpu? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2007). Geta hljodh eins og I-Doser valdidh vimu edha oedhrum jafnvel skadhlegum ahrifum a hugarstarf og lidhan? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2007). Af hverju er madhur lesblindur? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Af hverju er svona mikill munur a utliti og personuleika folks? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Af hverju eru “herar” hafdhir medh i langhlaupum i frjalsum ithrottum? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Af hverju faer madhur onotatilfinningu thegar madhur heyrir sum iskurhljodh? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). A hvadha tidhnisvidhi heyrir madhurinn best? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Ef heilum hunds og kattar yrdhi vixladh, hvort mundi koetturinn medh hundsheilann gelta edha mjalma? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Er haegt adh heyra haridh og neglurnar vaxa? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Er til sjukdomur sem veldur thvi adh madhur ser adheins i svarthvitu? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Er thadh ekki oerugglega rett adh vidh notum adheins 10% heilans? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Er thadh satt adh likur saeki likan heim? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Getum vidh munadh eftir einhverju sem gerdhist i lifi okkar fyrir thriggja ara aldur? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hvadh akvedhur nakvaemlega tonhaedh hvers tons? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hvadh eru til margar gerdhir af salfraedhi? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hver er munurinn a jakvaedhri og neikvaedhri styrkingu? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hver er munurinn a salfraedhingum og gedhlaeknum? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hverjir eru 5 bestu haskolar i heimi og hvadh kostar adh stunda thar nam? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hverjir eru helstu salraenu varnarhaettirnir? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hvernig ma skilgreina hugtakidh thydhi og hvadh greinir thadh fra urtaki? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hvernig skynjum vidh medh hudhinni? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hversu haa einkunn er moegulega haegt adh fa i greindaprofi? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hversu haa greindarvisitoelu tharf manneskja adh hafa til adh geta gengidh i Mensa? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hversu mikill hluti heilans er enn orannsakadhur? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hvort er taladh um adh folk se einhverft edha innhverft? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Hvort notar madhur frekar haegra edha vinstra heilahvelidh vidh notnalestur? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2006). Til hvers voru salskurdhlaekningar eins og lobotomia notadhar? Visindavefurinn.

Gudmundsson, A. F., Hoskuldsson, K. S. and Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Vinna salfraedhingar eingoengu vidh medhferdh? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Af hverju ganga sumir i svefni? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Af hverju faer folk faelni (fobiur) og hvadha medhferdh er haegt adh beita vidh henni? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Af hverju faer madhur verk fyrir brjostidh thegar manni sarnar? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Af hverju nota salfraedhingar svartar klessumyndir og spyrja sjuklingana ut i thaer? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Dreymir folk virkilega i svart-hvitu? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Dromasyki – Svefnrofaloemun (e. narcolepsy)Doktor.is.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Ef madhur elur stelpu upp eins og hun vaeri strakur, mundi hun tha ekkert vita og haga ser eins og strakur? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Er einhver aldurs- og kynjamunur a stridhni barna? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Er eitthvadh adh marka ahugasvidhsprof? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Er jafnvaegisskynidh ef til vill sjoetta skilningarvitidh? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Getur folk sem missir utlim enn fundidh fyrir honum thott hann vanti? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hafa tilgatur Howards Gardners um fjoelgreindir veridh sannadhar? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh er dromasyki? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh er skynheild (Gestalt) og hvernig tengist hun salarfraedhi? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh er sjonblekking? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh er tilraunasalfraedhi, hvadh er rannsakadh i theirri grein og hvert fer madhur adh laera hana? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh er ofskynjun og hvernig er hun framkoelludh medh efnum a bordh vidh LSD? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh eru taugabodh og hvernig verka thau? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh getidh thidh sagt mer um andaglas? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvadh tharf adh gera til adh fa starfsrettindi sem salfraedhingur a Islandi? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hver er greindarvisitala medhalmanneskju og hvenaer er hun ordhin oedhlilega lag edha ha? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hver er munurinn a heila karla og kvenna? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hver var Francis Galton? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvernig er best adh laera undir prof? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvernig lysir thadh ser adh vera medh oflaeti edha maniu? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvernig verka skilningarvitin fimm (sjon, heyrn, snerting, bragdh og lykt)? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvernig verkar thessi skynvilla? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvernig verkar thrividd i biomyndum? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvers vegna er daleidhsla ekki notudh i domsal? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvers vegna sofum vidh? Visindavefurinn.

Sigurdardottir, H. M. (2005). Hvers vegna verdhur mannfolkidh sifellt gafadhra? Visindavefurinn.