Árni Gunnar Ásgeirsson

In my research I focus on how attentional priorities are affected by involuntary, and implicit processing; such as task history, environmental statistics, reward history, and the state of arousal. I also participate in a research project aimed at understanding the phenomenology, behavioral consequences, neural underpinnings, and development of synesthesia. On slow days, I enjoy computational modeling of attention and memory, as well as experimental work on visual short-term memory. My research is primarily behavioral, but may include EEG, eye tracking, pupillometry, and psychometrics.

I received my Ph.D. 2014 from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, where I worked at the Center for Visual Cognition, with Dr. Claus Bundesen. I spent 2 years in the lab of Dr. Sander Nieuwenhuis at the Cognitive Psychology Research Unit, University of Leiden, The Netherlands. I am currently Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Akureyri.

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